Monday, May 5, 2014

Ring by Spring Theory

Ring by Spring Theory

Greetings my friends. Welcome to my roll on life. Which as of late has turned into Dear Tim: Counseling Services for the Relationally Impaired. This is the blog where all walks of Christian relationships come yearning for my advice.

I made a deal with my president of marketing, Isaac Schultz, to continue this blog as long as the views reached a certain amount. My last post reached satisfactory views, but I continued to retirement. As of late, it has left a bad taste in my mouth. This could be due to the exorbitant amount of Air Heads I have consumed in the past few weeks. All joking aside, I need to properly end my career with an uncovered topic essential to finalizing my relationship portfolio.

After this post is complete, I will say my farewell to this blog. The Schultz Agreement is over. Graduation is upon me and this will be the end. Pause for emotional moment.

Allow me to take a quick break in the flow of the blog to wrap up a tradition unlike any other, the shoutout. I need to toot my own horn briefly. Of all the people I have given shoutouts, their relational performance receives an instant boost. This only applies to male shoutouts, unless taking the Sadie Hawkins Dance approach, because the men are the ones asking the women. Josh Swore, Rob Reynolds, and Kassidy Cook all have moved on from the single ranks shortly after receiving shoutouts. Ellis Libby and Isaac Schultz are the others who have received shoutouts. I cannot comment on their current status but at the lowest 60% is remarkably high. There seems to be a statistical correlation between the shoutout and the relationship, so I am taking most of the credit. Enough blasphemy for one day. My final shoutout is a statistical outlier. The relationship enigma: Joshua E. Balzer son of Nate. Rabbi Balzer is about to be the second most eligible bachelor in the working world behind Tim Tebow. Congratulations on taking the job at MFRA: MF Rick Associates (MF abbreviated for censorship). If this shoutout preludes a relationship within the next few months without any rhyme or reason, I will take full credit.

Over the years, I have successfully navigated my audience through the necessary elements of relationships: General advice in 101, How to Read Men Like a Book in 102, The Single Games, Tips for Women in 103. What could I have possibly been missing? Tips for men? How to read women like a book? Regrettably, no advice will fix the smelly, nasty, immature, and uncaring man. As for reading women like a book, women cannot even read women, so I rest my case. What was this empty void crying out to be solved? Answer: the science behind everything. A theory explaining the nuances.

I absolutely love economics and its theories. Perhaps this is due to my ability to grasp theoretical complexities easily. After all, it is hard to enjoy a subject not easily understood. Need not to worry. I have combined relationships and economics to form the Ring by Spring Theory.

I am almost certain that Plato, Aristotle, Adam Smith, or possibly even Zeno of Citium (my favorite philosopher) would have come up with this idea first. However, I bet I have been closer to a relationship than these men. I will give my greatest attempt to explain this theory in the simplest fashion so everyone can share in its wisdom.

Get in a comfortable position, possibly use the restroom quick (if you aren’t already there), and grab something to eat or drink because like all theoretical writings this has some girth. I have already eclipsed 600 words and I have not even started the meat of the blog.

I can already hear it. Someone frustrated with me after reading this post saying I am objectifying women and men. I promise this is not the case. Remove all emotions for the time being. Think rationally. I have attempted to put items in quotations to hopefully avoid the issue.

If there is one thing that is an absolute deal breaker, it is desperate women. I cannot speak for the women, but I have to believe this is true on their end as well. I coined the phrase “Stage 5 Cling-On” (Klingon for my Star Trek readers will also suffice) my freshman year to describe them. The Saint and I were riding together in the RCA-mobile a few weeks ago. To my dismay, I cannot quote the speaker on the radio verbatim. She said something along the lines that men can spot a desperate woman from a mile away. She was spot on and was the spark to my Ring by Spring Theory.

I will honestly admit I am cold and heartless at times, but on the bright side logic and rationality decipher how I make decisions. When I see a very attractive girl in relationship with a tool, I struggle to feel sorry for her. On that same note, when I see a really cool guy with a girl he clearly settled for, I laugh. If only there was a theory out there to explain how this could happen.

This theory will hold true based on five highly logical and reasonable assumptions.

For theory sake, I am assuming that each individual has a market value. Market value refers to the worth of a good or service determined by the price people are willing to pay for it. (Here come the haters I warned about. Women are not to be seen as something that can be bought or sold. Tim you are an awful person) I will argue that even in a vacuum some people will naturally have a higher market value. In a perfect world this would not be the case, but in a perfect world socialism would work. Carrie Underwood’s market value is going to be greater than Fran Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky. For women, [insert insanely hot man]’s market value will be greater than Quasimodo. The good news is all Christians should hold a higher market value than the world.

The second assumption I have to make is based on one’s decisions you can increase or decrease your own market value. In the free market this is a reality. For example, if the United States government began printing money uncontrollably, there would be rapid inflation and money would begin to lose its value. If the United States government slowed its money production, deflation would occur and money would gain value. Simple enough right? This reality probably goes unrealized when talking about relationships and your personal market value. Thus, the ingenious Ring by Spring Theory.  

Hopefully I haven’t lost you already. Not to worry if I have. I will provide a picture and more explanations to follow.

Based on the intelligence of this audience, I am sure some of you have figured out the theory already. Feel free to discontinue reading. However, I promise the next few minutes finishing this blog will have a greater opportunity cost than anything you may try to do in the same amount of time.

The third assumption is the supply of men/women is relatively elastic. A relatively small change in price will cause a relatively large change in quantity. In laymen’s terms, a small change in the availability of an individual has great impact on the quantity demanded. I will explain this in greater detail later.

The fourth assumption is the demand of men/women is relatively inelastic. A relatively large change in price will cause a relatively small change in quantity. Simply put, if the price of a relationship skyrocketed the amount of relationships would remain basically unchanged. Gasoline is a common tangible example of relatively inelastic demand. If gas was $5 a gallon people would still buy gas.

The fifth and final assumption is all men/women are or will be demanded for a relationship. This assumption is truly the backbone to everything. The theory will crash and burn without it. Market value hinges on this concept. Because the stakes are so high, I will debunk any thought you could be this person. For this assumption to be false there has to be no man/woman EVER to have interest in a relationship with you. Even if you are unaware of this interest, it still counts because they have subconsciously addressed the market value situation. It would be a statistical anomaly for someone like this to exist.

With those assumptions in mind, let’s continue into the theory. There are two angles to take on with this theory. I already alluded to the first with my “Stage 5 Cling-on” comment. Being desperate, increasing your supply, reduces your market value. The second angle is high confidence, decreasing your supply, increases your market value. Confidence is the opposite of desperate in this situation. Less confident individuals settle for less than others with high confidence. This is the intuition behind why desperate is a turnoff. No matter the sex, confidence is an attractive trait. Let’s take them in order.

As part of the third assumption, being more available decreases the quantity demanded. This seems backwards, but let me explain further. Conventional wisdom may indicate wanting to be supplied in higher quantities. More supply equals more opportunity to be purchased. A girl may wish to be “purchased” by a lot of men. However, if many men are able to “purchase” a woman, her asking price is too low. She has over supplied herself (made herself too available) and become a commodity. In economic terms, a commodity has no real proprietary value. She has become just like millions of other women. In the eyes of men, she is no different. The opposite effect also holds true. If no man has shown interest, your asking price is too high. Increase supply in miniscule amounts to test the market.

Without a solid understanding of economics, it may appear that a high asking price is a signal of low demand. Actually, the opposite is true. A high market price indicates low supply, or high demand. Exhibit A. Jack and Jill go to the same college. Jack is always talking to girls. Jack is desperately trying to find “the one” but each relationship seems to slip through the cracks. Jill always thought Jack was good looking. Yet, when Jack asks her on a date his senior year, Jill turns him down. The moral of the story is Jack over supplied himself. The good news is he can recover his market value. Time is his ally if he wishes to regain it.   

The second angle says decreasing your supply increases your market value. Men/women should strive to be supplied in low quantities. This would mean your value is very high. Economically this is known as a luxury item. Lamborghini’s supply is much lower than Toyota’s. I would call the CEO of Lamborghini a nutbar factor 6 if he increased the supply to that of Toyota. The car would lose value.

Exhibit B. Jack and Jill go to the same college. Jack has a huge crush on Jill. Jack is an average man, but Jill is a fox. Jill’s market price is paramount to her other classmates. Unless Jack believes his market value is equally high (aka confidence), he will not attempt to ask Jill on a date. Why is this the case? Jill is in high demand, but her asking price is also high warding off those of lesser value.

If you have not seen the movie Frozen yet, you have to do it. Great movie and it also has a lot of Biblical principles behind it as well. Why am I bringing up a random movie? What does Frozen have to do with the Ring by Spring Theory? Do you suppose Anna over supplied herself a tad? What happened to her? I was sitting in the theater thinking to myself, there is no way Hans is sincere. He cannot be all about that Stage 5 Cling-on. Sure enough – different motives. I have no problem with the speed of the relationship. My issue was her mindset before even stepping outside the gates. “Maybe I will meet the one.” With no apparent communication with any men ever, she set out to find him. Her decisions and motives were based on emotions. Shrek could have proposed to her that day and she would have said yes. I know this is a Disney movie, but her desperation level is nothing new. Classic example of the Ring by Spring Theory.

I am well over 1000 words already, and I promised a picture to explain the theory.

Price is on the vertical axis and quantity on the horizontal. S is the supply curve and D the demand. As depicted in the graph, decreasing your supply, S to S1, (shifting to the left) increases your market value. The opposite direction holds true as well. Starting at S1 and increasing your supply (shift to the right) will result in a lower market value. Also notice how the quantity changes as well. Increasing value causes a reduction in quantity and vice versa.

Am I off my rocker for not explaining why this is called Ring by Spring Theory? Perhaps I do not need to do so because the light bulb has already triggered. Just in case, I will complete the jig-saw puzzle.

The Ring by Spring Theory explains how to get the coveted ring by spring. Do you want a rock on your finger? Increase your supply and lower your standards and you will find yourself headed towards a ring (or purchasing a ring). The best of both worlds cannot be achieved. If you want to reach for the perfect 10, desperation is not the answer.

Have you ever heard this, “soon as you stop looking for a relationship, you will find one?” Let’s assess this paradox from the basis of the Ring by Spring Theory. A reduction in your supply occurs because you ‘quit looking for a relationship.’ This comes across as increased confidence. After some time, your market value increases and you are sought after in higher demand. Funny how this works. It truly is this simple.

There is one loophole when the Ring by Spring Theory must not be used and applied. I would be doing a disservice to my audience if I did not inform you of this loophole before finishing. Once mutual interest has been identified, restricting supply does not work to increase market value. At this point, restricting supply comes across as lost interest. Any interest that was present will quickly fade. Relationships transcend the theory of economic markets. This fact is due to the way relationships work. Relationships are about giving. As soon as one partner feels/thinks they are giving a lot more in the relationship it is going to have some problems. Unconditional love is not rational. Self-interest is found among the single ranks. At its core, the desire for singleness is extremely selfish. In a way, the Ring by Spring Theory also explains why extremely rational individuals have such a hard time with love. So much application, so awesome.

I am not asking for everyone to completely rid themselves of all emotions. That would be impossible. It would be a nice change for people to be more rational so perhaps some of these Jack and Jill scenarios never take place. I am disturbed every time I see people (especially women) make irrational decisions when it comes to relationships because in the end (just like in Frozen) the girl pays for it not the man. For it is my belief that if they had a little more information and knowledge they would make the right choice. Economics is all about personal decisions and how it affects the whole market. The purpose of my relationship blogs have always been to educate and influence personal decisions to create the best market possible.

There you have it folks. The Ring by Spring Theory: perhaps one of the greatest relationship theories in the history of western civilization. My ultimate hope is people would apply this theory. My intentions have always been to better the relationship world dating all the way back to 101, despite how much of a jerk I may have come across as. Everything I have ever said I meant with full sincerity. That is the beauty of this blog. Entertainment and truth combined to form the Utopia of blogs.

Effective immediately as of May 7, 2014 I am retiring from the blogging world. The Schultz Agreement is over. I did have a previous agreement with @UNW_DatingTips to give them a shoutout in return for advertising my blog. I refrained from giving them a shoutout, thus leaving the decision up to them if they wish to advertise it or not. I am opting out of all other legal obligations I may have been subject to.

The 101 started it all
Next reading men if you recall
A couple failed blogs sprinkled in
Relationships, the blog’s linchpin
A fake retirement came and went
The Single Games, a news event
Ideas were no longer mine
The audience was my pipeline
Shoutouts stuck for tradition sake
Better than a Salisbury steak
Continuing Schultz’s Agreement
300 views, my appeasement
A relationship advisor
If only I were far wiser
The journey has always been great
We knew retirement was my fate
This blog is no more like Lot’s wife
So long to Yahtzee’s Roll on Life